Scientific Paper Seminar of the Department of Public Administration

The State Administration Department Student Association (HMD) of Padang State University (UNP) organized a student activity “Scientific Writing Seminar” at the UNP Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Hall on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. This seminar was attended by State Administration students from various generations.

This seminar presented the best speaker from the State Administration Science Lecturer (IAN) FIS UNP, namely Dr. Siska Sasmita, S.IP., MPA. In her material, Dr. Siska gave tips and tricks to the participants on how to write good and correct scientific papers.

In addition, the seminar also featured a sharing session with outstanding student Dilla Srifalensia. Dilla shared her experience in writing scientific papers and how she managed to achieve achievements in various competitions.

This activity was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants. Many participants asked questions and discussed with the speakers. "This seminar is very useful for us State Administration students. We gained a lot of knowledge about how to write good scientific papers,” said one of the seminar participants.

With the scientific paper seminar organized by HMD State Administration Science UNP, it is hoped that this activity can help students to improve their ability to write scientific papers.



Bagian Tata Usaha dan Administrasi

Bagian Administrasi Departemen Ilmu Administrasi Negara FIS UNP Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat
Phone: 0751 70556671
Fax: 0751 70556671


Fakultas Ilmu Sosial


