"Graduation Farewell Ceremony for Period 132" Department of Public Administration

The Department of Public Administration Student Association, Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University held a Graduation Farewell Ceremony for Period 132 on Wednesday (27/09/2023) at D'Dhave Hotel. This event was a final tribute to the Department of Public Administration graduates who will graduate on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. The event was themed "Reach The Hope, Hold The Change, Feel The Memories" and was opened by the Head of the Department of Public Administration, Ms. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D and attended by 23 graduates. The event was also attended by the Executive Board of the Department of Public Administration Student Association and the organizing committee for Graduation Farewell Ceremony 133, which consisted of 59 people.

During the event, the graduates of Period 132 were presented with sashes and certificates of activism by the Head of the Department, Ms. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D, together with the Advisor of the Department of Public Administration Student Association, Ms. Yuliarti, S.E., M.E, Head of the Faculty of Social Sciences Laboratory, Mr. Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos, M.Si and Mr. Rizki Syafril, SHI., M.Si. After the sashing and certificate-giving ceremony, the event continued with a reading of impressions and messages from a representative of the Department of Public Administration graduates of Period 132, namely Hendri Tiawarman.

It is hoped that the Graduation Farewell Ceremony for Period 132 can maintain the ties of friendship and brotherhood between the Department of Public Administration graduates and the Department of Public Administration students, strengthen the sense of unity between the Department of Public Administration graduates and the Department of Public Administration students, and open up space for building relationships, cooperation and helping each other in various matters.



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