“134 Peridoe Graduation Ceremony” Department of Public Administration Science

“134 Peridoe Graduation Ceremony” Department of Public Administration Science

The Student Association of the Department of State Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University held a 134th Period Graduation Release activity on Thursday (28/03/2024) at the Faculty of Social Sciences Hall, Padang State University. This activity is a form of final appreciation for the graduates of the State Administration Department who will graduate on Sunday, March 31, 2024. This activity is themed The Beginning After The End which was opened directly by the Head of the State Administration Department, Mrs. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D and was attended by 26 graduates. The Daily Executive Board of the State Administration Department Student Association and the committee for the implementation of Graduation 134 which amounted to 30 people.

In this activity, the installation of sashes and the awarding of activist certificates to graduates of Period 134 was carried out by the head of the Department, Mrs. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D together with the Department Supervisor, Mrs. Yuliarti, S.E., M.E, Head of the Faculty of Social Sciences Labor, Mr. Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos, M.Si and Dr. Hasbullah Malau, S.Sos, M.Si. After the process of installing the sash and giving activist certificates, it was continued with the reading of impressions and messages from representatives of Graduates Period 134 of the Department of State Administration Science, namely by Ridhatun Nafi.

In this activity, there was also a breakfasting activity with graduates because the implementation of the 134th Graduation Ceremony was held at a special moment and month so that it was hoped that graduates could make breakfasting together as a form of celebration and gratitude for the presence of the month of Ramadan and the holding of the 134th Graduation Ceremony.

The organizing committee also provided entertainment to graduates after opening together which was performed by the 2022 State Administration representative, Ridhatul Khairunnisa and gave space to graduates to display their talents. In addition, to provide valuable memories to graduates, gift exchange activities are carried out which contain letters of messages and impressions to fellow graduates in the hope of providing memorable and enjoyable moments for graduates and a form of mutual respect for individual preferences in giving gifts.

With the 134th Period Graduation Release activities, it is hoped that it can maintain the relationship and brotherhood between graduates of the Department of Public Administration and students of the Department of Public Administration, increase the sense of unity between graduates of the Department of Public Administration and students of the Department of Public Administration and open space for building relationships, cooperation and helping each other in various ways.


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