Student Internship Release of the Department of Public Administration FIS UNP

Padang, January 6, 2024 - The Department of State Administration (IAN), Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), Padang State University (UNP) held an internship release event for IAN students class of 2021. The event was attended by the Vice Dean 1 of FIS UNP, Dr. Hasrul, M.Si., and the Head of the IAN Department, Dra Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D. Chairperson of the IAN Department Internship Dr. Hasbullah Malau, S.Sos, M.Si, as well as the entire academic community of IAN FIS UNP.

A total of 200 IAN FIS UNP students will take part in internships in various government agencies and companies during the period January-June 2024. This internship is one of the compulsory courses at IAN FIS UNP which aims to provide practical work experience for students and apply the knowledge they have learned in lectures.

In his remarks, Dr. Hasrul, M.Si., expressed his appreciation to IAN FIS UNP for organizing this internship program. He hopes that this internship program can provide benefits for students and agencies where internships are held.

"This internship is an opportunity for students to learn and practice directly in the world of work. I hope students can make the most of this opportunity and show their best performance,” said Dr. Hasrul.

Dr. Hasrul also advised students to maintain the good name of UNP during the internship. “Keep the good name of UNP and IAN FIS UNP by showing a disciplined, diligent, and responsible attitude,” said Dr. Hasrul.

Internship students also get debriefing from IAN FIS UNP lecturers before leaving for the internship site. This briefing aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed by students during the internship.



Bagian Tata Usaha dan Administrasi

Bagian Administrasi Departemen Ilmu Administrasi Negara FIS UNP Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat
Phone: 0751 70556671
Fax: 0751 70556671


Fakultas Ilmu Sosial


