Department of Public Administration FIS UNP Partners with BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia

Department of Public Administration FIS UNP Partners with BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia

To strengthen the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the State Administration Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University established a partnership with one of the BUMN Transportation, namely PT Kereta Api Indonesia Regional Division II in the Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Thursday, March 28, 2024.  This partnership is also supported by the UNP Center for Policy Governance Development & Empowerment (C-PGDE).

The form of partnership that will be implemented in the near future is strengthening the improvement of the quality of learning through work practices - Innovative internships for students of the Department of Public Administration at PT KAI and Research that is useful for improving the quality of governance and development of rail transportation in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra. Even in the near future to support the reactivation and opening of new lines of Indonesian Railways, PT KAI will collaborate with the academic community, especially from the Department of Public Administration and other fields, to design a feasibilty study. Later the results of this feasibilty study will be submitted to the Central Government, Regional Government and other stakeholders so that this policy becomes a priority to drive development and improve the welfare of the community. 

The cooperation agreement was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Afriva Khaidir, SH, M.Hum, MAPA, Ph.D, Head of the State Administration Department, Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd, Ph.D, Head of IAN Laboratory, Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos, M.Si and Head of Center for Policy, Governance, Development & Empowerment UNP, Dr. Zikri Alhadi M.A along with lecturers and students. While from PT KAI Regional Division II, Vice President of PT KAI Regional Division II, Sofan Hidayah and the complete line of Managers and Staff were present.


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Bagian Administrasi Departemen Ilmu Administrasi Negara FIS UNP Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

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